Happy Mothers Day- February 14th!

"The Circle of Love", a happy Mothers Day poem for my wife and soulmate.

Sitting by the pool, I dreamed of fullfilment and love. I was free to live my life and make my musings real.

Though I was lost in thought, I could see her running across the pool deck pulling you by your hand.

Your smile was enchanting, but I was shy. I was frozen by your beauty and not clever enough, I thought.

So after what seemed like an eternity, I drifted back to my poolside lounge.

But I couldn’t get your infectious smile out of my mind. It enveloped my entire existance as the moments passed.

Soon an idea strange to me began to form in my mind.

It instilled courage in me and I began to meander in your direction.

As I stood before you, I heard words smoothly flowing out of my mounth as if spoken by a stranger.

We spent that evening listening to Phil Oaks melodizing beautiful folk songs at the Flick.

The most amazing four days of my life followed.

Then came love letters, enchanting evenings and amazing adventures.

Soon we wed and my dream of fullfilment and love became my life.

I see you in Lauren’s smile, in Allie’s kindness and in Natalie’s affections.

Our daughter has found the love of her life and become the mother you were to her.

She is you, Allie and Natalie are Lauren and the circle of life grows ever wider.

Happy Mother’s Day, my soulmate. I love you mucho, mucho, mucho y tambien.

Yours forever, Andy


A Happy Mothers Day Begins With Counting Blessings

On Mother’s Day, I count my blessings. I married an amazing woman whose love, kindness, generosity, joy of life and love of family have filled my life in ways I cannot begin to describe. We have shared adventures on six of the seven continents, learned about cultures foreign to us, dived the Great Barrier Reef and the rock walled reefs of the Red Sea, visited vineyards in North America, Europe and South Africa and enjoyed culinary delights throughout our exciting planet. 

We have raised an amazing daughter who has never failed to make us proud. Of course, we are delighted that she shares her life with a soulmate of her own. Both are rising stars in their professions and amazing parents to our two little granddaughters.

However, like most people, we have also faced life’s ups and downs and suffered through difficult economic cycles. Fortunately, whenever I face a crisis, I work to overcome it, buoyed by the knowledge that my wife will stand by me. She unconditionally supports me and helps me to think things through. With her at my side, I have always weathered the storms of life. Clearly, I am very grateful.

To return the favors life has bestowed upon me, I dedicate myself to two adventures. I help friends and neighbors to attain their dream lifestyles, an exciting adventure indeed. Of course, as a result, my wife and I are able to enjoy another great adventure, helping those less fortunate than us. We actively engage in charitable causes, and in doing so, fulfill our lives and give them purpose.

Happy Mothers Day

Happy Mothers Day

Happy Mothers Day! Today, we celebrate the incredible love and strength that mothers bring into our lives. Thank you for your unwavering support, your boundless patience, and the countless sacrifices you make every day. May your day be filled with joy, laughter, and all the appreciation you truly deserve. Here’s to you—today and always!

Wishing all of you a life of joy and fulfillment – Andy K

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