Labor Day Amid a Pandemic: Amazing 2020 Celebration!

America’s Labor Day is a celebration of the contribution of workers to our great nation. The event evolved into a recognized observance during the nineteenth century and was declared a national holiday in 1894. Who does not have fond childhood memories of family Labor Day gatherings? Barbeques, days at the beach, gatherings with friends and neighbors and lawn football are vivid in my mind. But few of us living today have celebrated in an environment remotely similar to the one we face.

Yet too many of us choose to ignore the dangers posed by the pandemic and tempt fate. Celebrations across the country on Memorial Day and the Fourth of July became super spreader events. They opened the doors to a summer where the pandemic surged. In California,Texas, Georgia, Arizona, Florida and throughout the south and west, infections reappeared in unexpectedly high numbers. Of course, as we head into our flu season, a second wave of the COVID-19 infection could have a devastating impact. Our health system, economy and way of life may absorb another major blow.

Lets Enjoy The Long Weekend Safely!

However, does this mean that we should isolate ourselves and put our lives on hold. Of course not. This holiday is a celebration of people whose sweat, effort and ingenuity helped to build this great nation. In fact, we have even more reason to celebrate today. Therefore, let’s pay special tribute to healthcare workers, postal workers, delivery drivers, grocery store workers and other essential personnel. These amazing people have braved the pandemic to provide for our needs and save lives. It is also a time to ponder what we still face, but without a doubt that this too shall pass. Let’s appreciate that a bright future lies ahead of us as well.

Let’s celebrate, but do so wisely. The latest models demonstrate that we must socially distance, wear masks when we cannot and observe CDC recommended hygiene practices. Tens of thousand of lives will be saved if we do. One of those lives could be yours or that of a loved one. Would you refuse to wear a mask if you knew doing so would save your Dad’s or Mom’s life? I expect that all of us would agree that we would do so gladly. So open your minds and think beyond momentary discomfort and inconvenience. Let’s enjoy this weekend safely while celebrating America’s work ethic and fighting spirit.

Here are some articles that will set the stage for a fun and safe Labor Day. There are many events planned for Marion County. Spend the day at one of these or relaxing and enjoying the great outdoors. Savor wonderful recipes presented to please your pallet. But above all, celebrate safely!

Celebrate Labor Day safely.

Fauci warns that Labor Day celebrations could drive Covid-19 spikes

Memorial Day and Independence Day celebrations this year spurred big spikes in Coronavirus cases. Therefore, Anthony Fauci is worried that Labor Day will be the same. If people once again celebrate without precautions, it could upend progress in the U.S. Read the article on >

This Labor Day, let's celebrate safely and enjoy the great outdoors.

Labor Day 2020 North Central Florida – Things to do, Events, Parties

Hunting for ways to enjoy Labor Day in North Central Florida Florida? Looking for Labor Day events in North Central Florida Florida? Searching for Labor Day shopping deals in North Central Florida Florida? Please Google “labor day in Ocala”!

Lady's meet after shopping Labor Day sales

Labor Day Sales 2020: Everything You Need To Know About Shopping For Bargains

Believe it or not, Labor Day weekend is here. As summer comes to a close, many retailers are punctuating end-of-season sales. Many offer big, blow-out discounts in honor of Labor Day 2020. Are you refreshing your wardrobe and updating home furnishings for the season ahead? Do you want to take advantage of big savings on mattresses, electronics, or appliances? You’re in the right place. Read the article on >

Rack of lamb on a firey grill

Great Recipes To Please Every Pallet

Start your Labor Day menu planning here with our favorite recipes for the three-day weekend. Burgers and dogs, salads and slaws, with beverages to boot! Read this on >

Andrew Kruglanski, MBA, ABD, ABR, Certified Home Seller Representative

Broker Associate

The Strata Group brokered by LPT Realty


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