Ocala Theater 2021 and the New Normal

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At the forefront of our “Ocala Theater 2021” season are three outstanding venues. To be sure, the performing arts are essential to Ocala life. However, each venue has been significantly impacted by the pandemic that continues to play havoc with our lives. Ocala Theater 2021- The Ocala Civic Theater Unfortunately, only The Ocala Civic Theater … Read more

Celebrating in Difficult Times: Ocala Lifestyle

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This year we will be celebrating in difficult times. But we will give thanks for the blessings God has bestowed upon us none the less. This is the season to share the holiday spirit with family, be mindful of those less fortunate and make someone else’s life a little brighter. Whether we celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah, … Read more

Labor Day Amid a Pandemic

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America’s Labor Day is a celebration of the contribution of workers to our great nation. The event evolved into a recognized observance during the nineteenth century and was declared a national holiday in 1894. Who does not have fond childhood memories of family Labor Day gatherings? Barbeques, days at the beach, gatherings with friends and … Read more

The World Bank Report Offers Hope

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The June World Bank Report and its Implications: The World Bank issued its report on the expected economic impact of the pandemic earlier in June. Unfortunately, the predictions are ominous. Bank economists project the worst economic contraction in decades. They forecast that world GDP faces a 5.2% contraction year over year in 2020. All countries … Read more

Forbearance: The CARES Act & You

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The CARES Act Offers Homeowners the Option of Forbearance Best intentions frequently have unintended consequences. The CARES Act is the third of four pieces of legislation passed thus far, to mitigate the economic impact of COVID-19. It has a forbearance provision designed to help homeowners to stay in their homes. Under this provision, borrowers with … Read more

Short Sales and Foreclosures: COVID-19

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The Ocala Real Estate Market “A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.” – Winston Churchill Will economic problems triggered by COVID-19 cause a resurgence of short sales and foreclosures? We expect that they will. However, sometimes difficult situations bring with them opportunities to create win win … Read more

COVID-19: Interventions Are Underway

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The Coronavirus, COVID-19, continues to spread across the globe with new cases being reported almost hourly. But the good news is that interventions are under way on a large scale in the United States and all other effected countries. Further, there is clear evidence that aggressive interventions actually work. China implemented Draconian measures to interfere … Read more

The Novel Coronavirus

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Since a strain of Coronavirus, (COVID-19) caused a breakout of infections in Wuhan, China the world has taken notice. The virus now has a foothold in many nations across the globe. Clearly, people are in great fear of this disease as demonstrated by the recent behavior of our stock market. Therefore, it is time to … Read more

Ocala Home Guide Realty