Memorial Day in Ocala: Amazing Festivals 2022

Memorial Day in Ocala features a celebration is filled with music, barbeques and special events. Of course, the actual reason for this day is somber. We remember and honor the heroes who served in our armed forces and gave their lives to defend our country.

The celebration saw its roots in the aftermath of the Civil War. In 1865, shortly after the South surrendered, a group of emancipated slaves in Charleston, South Carolina celebrated. They also chose to honor those who fought valiantly and gave their lives in the war to end slavery in our nation. This was a time to be grateful and a time to mourn. So many died in our war against ourselves, that for the first time our country began to build national cemeteries.

By the end of the 1860s, the celebration honoring those who fought and died had spread. Many communities throughout our nation joined in what was to become a national tradition.

Memorial Day in Ocala – A National Holiday Is Born

The mid 1960s arrived almost 100 years after emancipated slaves first conceived of the celebration. Then in 1966, for a reason that is not entirely clear, the town of Waterloo, New York, was recognized as the birthplace of Memorial Day. A few more years passed, and in 1971 Congress recognized Memorial Day as a national holiday. It was to be celebrated annually on the last Monday in May.

Today many think of Memorial Day in Ocala as the day of transition from Winter to Spring. We spend this day with family and friends, enjoying the freedoms that so many fought and died for. These brave souls heroically fought for our country in domestic and foreign wars, wars caused by internal strife and threats from far away tyrants. Therefore, at 3:00pm each Memorial Day we all stand for a minute of silence. We do so to remember these brave men and women and to honor their sacrifices.

Below are three articles about fun ways to spend Memorial Day in Ocala. We wish you a wonderful and relaxing holiday weekend. Additionally, we hope that you will join us for the traditional minute of silence. Let’s remember why we celebrate our freedom on this day and thank those who made it possible.

What a wonderful way to celebrate Memorial Day in Ocala, delicious, ripe and juicy yellow peaches

Red, White & Blues Farm presents: 1st Annual Peach Festival On Ocala’s Memorial Day

The Red, White & Blues Farm will be presenting its First Annual Peach Festival this coming Memorial Day weekend, May 28-30. The event will take place at 3250 N.E. 140th Ave. in Williston. The festival … Continue reading

Ocala's Memorial Day features an amazing classic car show.

Ocala’s Memorial Day Weekend Car Festival

Memorial Day Weekend Car Show happening at Highland Memorial Park: The park is located at 1515 NE 3rd Street in Ocala and the show opens on Sat May 28th, 2022 at 10:00 am. Learn more at HAPPENINGNEXT.COM.

Ocala's Memorial Day would not be complete without a golf tournament and flags add an appropriate patriotic touch to this event.

Memorial Day Golf Tournament – A Festival of Flags

Memorial Day Flag Tournament Hosted By Country Club of Ocala: The tournament starts on Monday, 30 May 2022 at Country Club of Ocala. Register, buy tickets or obtain price information online. ALLEVENTS.IN.

“This nation will remain the land of the free only so long as it is the home of the brave.” – Elmer Davis

Ocala is embarking on a great adventure that will carry us through decades of economic growth. That will make this a great place to invest in real estate for many years to come. The economic future of our community is bright indeed, brighter than you can imagine. For the bounty before us we must thank God and remember the heroes who sacrificed everything to defend our nation.

Andrew Kruglanski, MBA, ABD, ABR, Certified Home Seller Representative

Broker Associate

The Strata Group brokered by LPT Realty


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