Living With COVID19: Amazing But Challenging Times in 2020

The New Normal Is Still With Us:

Although we have been living with COVID19 for many months, we can’t quite see the horizon yet. With winter around the corner, nationally more and more activities are moving indoors. Therefore, the threat posed by the virus is rising. However, scientists all over the world continue research studies which will hopefully make effective therapeutics and vaccines available in the not to distant future.

Dr. Anthony Fauci, our nation’s leading epidemiologist, has indicated his belief that two or more effective vaccines will be approved within a few months. Simultaneously, researchers working with therapeutics based on the science of immunotherapy have reported encouraging progress. But there are confusing announcements to absorb as well. For example, this week the World Health Organization stated that remdesivir has proven totally ineffective in treating COVID19. A few days later, the CDC approved the drug as a treatment for patients with severe symptoms. What are we to make of that?

Anecdotes: Living With COVID19

While we cope with the dangers we face, many of us know people who have been impacted by this treacherous disease. Here are a couple of anecdotes which thought us not to underestimate the potential consequences of ignoring the CDC’s safety recommendations.

In February, as many of us were waking to news of the pandemic, a friend was infected. She suffered through an extended hospital stay, but survived. When she was finally allowed to return home, she found that for many months the cure was as bad as the disease. At first she had difficulty with simple tasks like walking. While she no longer tested positive, her heart and lungs were significantly damaged and she feared that she would have to live with the after effects of the infection for the rest of her life. However, with continued medical care, she recovered and this month she finally started to feel normal again.

Others were less fortunate. A family member told us of a couple who planned to vacation at an exciting destination just when news of the pandemic broke. In an abundance of caution, they postponed their plans indefinitely. But by July the impact of living with the threat posed by disease played on their minds. In reaction, they decided to throw caution to the wind and enjoy the vacation they had promised themselves. Within days they both became infected and while the wife’s case was relatively mild and short lived, the husband did not survive.

We must live, not merely exist. But we must do so prudently.

Today the threat persists, but life goes on as well. Most of us need to earn a living to pay our bills. Additionally, there is more to life than mere existence. Many activities, both virtual and person to person, are planned for our community and tempt us. However, we would be wise to remember being open to participating is not a zero sum game.

The decision before us is not whether to shelter in place or return to the old normal. We have other, more sensible options. Models predict that is we all wear masks, social distance and observe hygiene recommendations, hundreds of thousands of lives would be saved. One of them could be yours or that of a loved one.

Below are resources that will introduce you to events planned for our community over the next few months. They include educational, social and sporting activities. Among them are adventures that will excite adults and others that will put smiles of children’s faces.

Cautiously opening the door to enjoying such events is important for our physical and mental wellbeing. However, pay special attention to the first article below. It is produced by Marion County and presents a schedule of happenings you may enjoy and begins with living with COVID19 recommendations to help you enjoy events safely.

At Ocala Home Guide Realty, we wish you a safe and stimulating North Central Florida winter season.

Horse & Rider jumping

Events Calendar | Living With COVID19 In Ocala

Find upcoming events in Ocala, FL. Learn about the many fun activities scheduled for different venues and get daily updates on events open to the public. Read this on >

Living with COVID19 may require doing amny things virtually.

Ocala, FL Events & Things To Do | Eventbrite

The city of Ocala is home to big hearts and a double dose of Southern hospitality. It certainly makes up for the agricultural center’s tiny size. Read this on >

Living with COVID19 includes finding ways to put smiles on children's faces.

Calendar – Fun 4 Ocala Kids

Find things to do with kids in Ocala on Fun 4 Ocala Kids! Activities for kids and families, youth sports, seasonal events, ongoing programs and summer camps! But don’t rush in without following recommendations for living with COVID19 safely. Read this on >

Stay safe and enjoy,

Andrew Kruglanski, MBA, ABD, ABR, Certified Home Seller Representative

Broker Associate

The Strata Group brokered by LPT Realty


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