Ocala Lifestyle – Exciting 2021 Florida Festivals

While festivals are a way of life for small towns and villages throughout the world, they are an important feature of the Ocala lifestyle as well. My wife and I have always taken to heart the admonition of St. Augustine, “Life is a book, and he who does not travel reads but one page.” Therefore, being voracious readers, we set out to explore as many pages as possible. We traveled throughout the global and attended many festivals. Each has taught us about the history and culture of a people in a small, closely knit community.

In our experience, communities in Italy and France are particularly prone to celebrate by holding festivals. To be sure, they hold them to celebrate historic events, the local cuisine, the wines of the region and anything else you can image. However, no matter how inconsequential the reason to celebrate may seem, one thing is certain. Great fun is always had by all.

The Ocala Lifestyle and Florida Festivals

While many amazing festivals and events take place in the Ocala area, did you know that at least seventy five major festivals take place throughout Florida in the last seven months of each year?

The McKee Botanical Garden in Vero Beach celebrates water lilies with its sixteenth annual festival on June 19th. I am not sure whether the celebration honors of Monet and his water lilies in Giverny, France, my birthday or the fact that the flowers are in full bloom in Vero Beach. However, I suspect it’s the latter. In any event, a visit to the gardens sounds like a great way to spend a day in June.

Additionally, every spring the historic town of Cedar Key holds its annual seafood festival. If you’ve never been to Cedar Key, its a quaint, lovely town and well worth a visit. Of course, you might want to consider that this small Florida town is the clam capital of the United States as well. However, as a sad reminder of the health crisis the world still faces, this village has not yet select a date for this year’s celebration.

Last, but far from least, Mount Dora is a charming town about an hour’s drive south of Ocala. If features first class bed and breakfasts, beautiful parks and museums and some first class dining establishments. Of course, each fall it celebrates crafts with a festival. However, you may ask why anyone would want to travel that far just to visit such a festival. The answer may surprise you. It is because Sunshine Artist Magazine named Mount Dora’s festival one of the top two craft shows in the entire United States.

See The Rest Of Florida & Enhance Your Ocala Lifestyle

Bellow you will find articles about these three Florida festivals. They will provide you with much more information and may just convince you they have a place in your Ocala lifestyle. Ocala is a great community to call home, but certainly not less so because it’s a great base from which to launch Florida adventures.

A visit to the McKee Botanical Garden has a place in the Ocala lifestyle.

McKee Botanical Garden in Vero Beach: Water lily heaven

McKee Jungle Garden was a popular 1940s roadside attraction. Today, the Vero Beach garden is smaller but known for water lilies and its historic buildings. It’s a beautiful place! Read more at FLORIDA RAMBLER.

A visit to the charming town of Cedar Key will enhance your Ocala lifestyle.
By Zdv at the English-language Wikipedia, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=4813586

Cedar Key Seafood Festival not yet scheduled for 2021

Seafood festivals are common in Florida, but Cedar Key Seafood Festival is uncommonly appealing. Not only is Cedar Key historic and charming, it’s also clam capital of America. Continue reading at FLORIDA RAMBLER.

Mount Dora is well worth the drive, especially on festival days.
By Whoisjohngalt – Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=85111904

Home – Mount Dora Craft Fair

Mount Dora Craft Fair October 23 & 24, 2021 9am-5pm; Ranked the #2 Classic/Contemporary Craft Festival in America by Sunshine Artist Magazine-2020; Come see why; Held on the streets of historic downtown Mount Dora; Ranked #4 in 2019 and #2 in 2020 by Sunshine … Home. Read More at MOUNT DORA CRAFT FAIR.

Andrew Kruglanski, MBA, ABD, ABR, Certified Home Seller Representative

Broker Associate

The Strata Group brokered by LPT Realty




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