At the forefront of our “Ocala Theater 2021” season are three outstanding venues. To be sure, the performing arts are essential to Ocala life. However, each venue has been significantly impacted by the pandemic that continues to play havoc with our lives.
Ocala Theater 2021- The Ocala Civic Theater
Unfortunately, only The Ocala Civic Theater currently features a schedule of live performances. For the next few weeks, the Marion Players, our multitalented local troop, will be performing “Crimes of the Heart”. Its playwright, Beth Henley, won the Pulitzer Prize for this play in 1981. Additionally, the play was nominated for a Tony Award shortly there after.
Of course, we are very excited about the Ocala production of this skillfully written play. Additionally, we look forward to outstanding performances from the Marion Players. However, we still must caution that this theater follows CDC recommendations and offers limited seating. If you do plan to attend, we also advise you to monitor the schedule of performances carefully. Since rescheduling is common in our current environment, please don’t ignore this possibility.
Ocala Theater 2021- The Reilly Arts Center
The Reilly Arts Center is the focal point for live performances in Ocala. We also expect that it will continue to be so for may years to come. It is home to our Symphony Orchestra and schedules plays, musical performances and other events in a normal year. However, these are clearly not normal times. Therefore, the center has launched a Digital Series of performances with donor assistance. As a result, it is able to continue to safely serve the public while offering support for the performing arts.
The Ocala Symphony Orchestra now performs live, but in front of a digital audience. Additionally, the Center digitally delivers a series of classic films in lieu of live performances. In the current circumstances, we applaud the Reilly Center for putting the safety of performers, audiences and staff first. Of course we also thank The Ocala Community Foundation and local businesses for supporting this endeavor.
The Dassance Center at the College of Central Florida
The last of the three theaters forming the core of support for the performing arts in our town is the Dassance Center. Since this theater is on the campus of the College of Central Florida, it offers outstanding performances by students. Of course, its schedule normally features plays, concerts, lectures and other events. However, this center for the performing arts has been greatly impacted by the pandemic as well. Therefore, putting safety first, the center offers a classic film series delivered at a local drive-in. Each film is then followed the next morning by a virtual discussion. Discussion leaders moderate conversations about each film’s merits and significance to the history of film making.
We are encouraged that each of these theaters has found donor support. As a result, each is able to continue to interact with our community and deliver outstanding performances. But of course, we long for the day when they may return to a more traditional way of doing so.
Learn more about how these fine theaters continue to be true to their missions in difficult times. The articles below offer interesting insights.

Sisters for life – Ocala Gazette
“Crimes of the Heart” opens at Ocala Civic Theatre. In the first scene, the spacious kitchen of their family home in small-town Mississippi finds the three Magrath sisters….. Read more in the OCALA GAZETTE

Reilly Arts Center
Your Home for Live Entertainment! However, this year is focused on our Digital Series…..Read more at REILLY ARTS CENTER

Dassance Fine Arts Center at College of Central Florida
College of Central Florida (CF) Theatre produces several major productions each year for the campus, community and young audiences. Additionally, the program produces…..Read more at OCALA / MARION COUNTY FLORIDA
Ocala is a great place to call home. Of course, support for the performing arts is an important reason why. Enjoy the Ocala Theater 2021 season.
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