Ocala Housing – The Economy Takes Off


Today Ocala housing demand is off the charts. However, opportunity almost passed us by. Many years ago, an entertainment industry giant imagined a new Ocala. He could see into our future, and what he saw was truly visionary. Marion County would be the second coming of Disneyland, albeit on a much grander scale. Surrounded by … Read more

Ocala Home Sales Projections 2021

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Ocala home sales are setting records year over year. Despite a market dominated by health concerns generated by a generational pandemic, demand has set a pace seldom seen before. Additionally, historically low inventories and interest rates have generated a whirlwind of repercussions. According to Realtor Magazine, the median sales price of an Ocala home has … Read more

The Ocala Economy in 2021

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The Ocala economy will continue to rebound in 2021 and its long term prospects are certainly rosy. However, nationwide growth may be slower than forecast several months ago. In addition, the impact of the pandemic on small businesses is just now coming into clearer focus. It may be worse than initially projected. But despite the … Read more

Ocala Scientific Research

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Our rapidly growing metro area is broadening its horizons and has much to offer beyond equestrian pursuits. For example, in Ocala, scientific research plays a focal role as well. At the center is the C.E.P.’s incubator program. Our Chamber of Commerce, Community Foundation, city and county governments have united to support this endeavor. Its purpose … Read more

The World Bank Report Offers Hope

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The June World Bank Report and its Implications: The World Bank issued its report on the expected economic impact of the pandemic earlier in June. Unfortunately, the predictions are ominous. Bank economists project the worst economic contraction in decades. They forecast that world GDP faces a 5.2% contraction year over year in 2020. All countries … Read more

Forbearance: The CARES Act & You

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The CARES Act Offers Homeowners the Option of Forbearance Best intentions frequently have unintended consequences. The CARES Act is the third of four pieces of legislation passed thus far, to mitigate the economic impact of COVID-19. It has a forbearance provision designed to help homeowners to stay in their homes. Under this provision, borrowers with … Read more

The Ocala Economy and Paul Krugman

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Today we are living with life threatening health issues and uncertainty as to direction of the world economy. Of course, the Ocala economy is not exempt from the forces at work. The doomsday prophets among economists are predicting an economic contraction unseen since the Great Depression. However, Nobel laureate Paul Krugman is more optimistic. In … Read more

Biosysco and Its Equine Division Are Coming

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We at the Ocala Lifestyle Blog are excited to share that Biosysco’s equine division is coming to our city. Biosysco has developed a technology that stimulates muscles, thereby speeding the process of recovery from strenuous activity. The process also enhances muscular growth and development. This technology was designed to help human athletes, from weekend warriors … Read more

The Ocala Blog: Life In Our Town!

Painted Ponies An Ocala Community Project Horse Fever Equestrian Stylist

Welcome. Today we publish the first installment of our new Ocala Blog, your online source for information about all things Ocala. Since Ocala is a thriving, rapidly evolving community, there is always something interesting going on here. Although we will be emphasizing issues of interest to home sellers and buyers, we will also delve into … Read more

Ocala Home Guide Realty