Ocala Design Trends Are Changing – Wonderful New Ideas 2021

Ocala design trends are evolving. For a little over a year, the world has been redefining what the ultimate lifestyle is. Plans have shifted from travel and adventure to maximizing aesthetics and functionality at home. When we talk about getting away today, many of us think of escaping to the safety of our own abodes.

My wife and I have had the good fortune to visit faraway places and experience amazing adventures. We have safaried in South Africa and visited the Bridge on the River Kwai in Thailand. Joined by our daughter, we have followed a trail of exhibitions featuring the works of the impressionists.

Amazingly, our voyage began with a visit to a Boston museum and ended at the world famous Hermitage in St. Petersburg, Russia. Of course, we have many stories to tell, some of which have been feature on USAToday’s website. But today our focus is the safety of home. We share the desire for safety with many of you, to be sure.

Of course, these past twelve months countless people have experienced working from home as never before. But what does the future hold? Are the changes we are seeing long term, or is life about to circle back to the old normal, to a time when the pandemic will be remembered as nothing more than a terrible dream.

Would that I had the answer to that question. However, for now, my wife and I dream of a bright future while escaping to the comforts of home.

Working From Home

As the pandemic came upon us in waves, many employers redirected their workforces to home offices. I deal on a regular basis with giants of technology such as Google and Facebook. Therefore, I have experienced first hand the shift of workforces from office to home. For many months, every time I reached out to such corporate giants, I was greeted with recordings advising that most support experts are working from home. Each recorded message usually ended with a reasonable request for understanding and cooperation. However, is this an evolution to the future, or merely a side trip on the road to the past?

Over these past months, scientific studies and anecdotal evidence have pointed to the conclusion that workers are less efficient when performing their tasks at home. The devil is in the many distractions. For example, while you may understand that you have a task to complete, if you have young children at home, you may find them difficult to convince.

Therefore, due to experiences during the pandemic, while working from home may continue to be more common than in the past, it is likely that most workers will return to the old normal when safety permits.

Ocala Design Trends: Making Your Home Your Castle

Since we as a society, are spending more time at home than ever before, is it any wonder that more and more of us are excited by new Ocala design trends? Inside we focus on conveniences, like an extra sink in the kitchen or a more luxurious bathroom. We look for more comfort in our bedrooms, or a quality home theater featuring an outstanding sound system. We may seek a well equipped exercise room, since traveling to the gym is neither safe or wise in the current environment.

Many of us look for more formal and better designed outdoor spaces as well. Of course, luxuries like a resort style pool area with a chef’s summer kitchen and an outdoor TV also find their way to our wish list. In short, as we spend more and more time in our homes, we begin focusing on making them our castles.

Below are a few articles that present the case that the pandemic has had a significant impact on how we see our homes and what we demand of them. enjoy reading.

Ocala design trends focus on comfort and style.

Today’s Most and Least Desirable Home Features

A quarter of Americans say the pandemic has changed their housing preferences according to a newly released survey of about 3,000 recent home buyers, conducted last summer by the National Association of Home Builders. Read the article on magazine.realtor

Outdoor living spaces are in vogue as reflected in Ocala design trends.

How the coronavirus pandemic is reshaping home design

Mark and Donna Lewis’ thoughts about making some changes to their 5-year-old house in Bethesda Mews had been on the back burner. Then, after the coronavirus pandemic hit in the spring, renovating became a priority. “We were at home so much and we had time to focus on it, so we said, ‘Why not just do it now? This anecdote foretells changing Ocala design trends. Read the article on bethesdamagazine.com

Ocala design trends include finding creative ways to entertain children while working from home.

Council Post: Five Home And Real Estate Predictions For 2021

Beatrice is a Consumer Trends Expert. Therefore, she has no doubt that the coronavirus pandemic has had a massive impact on Americans and our lifestyles in 2020. Since Many of us are working and learning from home, our lifestyles are evolving. We are cooking more, finding a love of the outdoors and even tackling at-home workouts. As a result, our needs have changed. Of course, all of these factors influence how we design, use and appreciate our homes. Read the article on forbes.com

Ocala design trends focus on comfort, convenience, safety and style.

Andrew Kruglanski, Broker/Owner

Andrew Kruglanski, Broker

Ocala Home Guide Realty, LLC



Website: Ocala Homes Online

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